Episode 27 - Blending your intuition and systems

In this episode we explore how you can blend both your intuition and systems in your business.

There's a common misconception that you have to to be one or the other, but actually there is a magical sweet spot where you can embrace both for different aspects of your business.

If you're all vision and no action, nothing ever gets out into the world.

If you're all action and no vision, and you're busy creating things that aren't aligned to your goals and dreams, and it can feel like you're on a hamster wheel always running but never going anywhere....

Key points in this episode:

  • How to tap into your intuition and use it in your business
  • Why you need systems and how they make business easier
  • How to blend using your intuition to guide your direction and ideas, and systems to make it happen
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Photo of Laura - CEO of Business with Flow

Hey, I'm Laura

I'm a cyclical business mentor helping purpose driven, high achievers to ditch the hustle and run their businesses and launches with intention, and in alignment with their cycles.

Come hang out with me 👇

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© 2016 - 2023 Laura Dick | Business with Flow.

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