Episode 103 - Kris Emery - How to write and publish your book

In this episode, we talk to Kris Emery, an editor and author about the process of writing a book.

Kris shares tips on how to get started, what to consider before diving in, and how to stay motivated throughout the process of writing your book. She covers the importance of beta readers, the role of editors, and the difference between traditional publishing and self-publishing. Kris also discusses the challenges of writing and how to overcome them.

Key points in this episode:

  • Before diving into writing a book, it's important to test your idea and determine what's in it for you and the audience. Make sure you have energy for the subject and that there's something in the book that solves a problem or answers a question.
  • Use an outline to keep your writing on track, but don't feel like it needs to be rigid or fully fleshed out. An outline can be a working document.
  • Writing a book can be a lonely journey, so it's important to bring other people on board to provide feedback and support.
  • Traditional publishers are changing and adapting, but book sales are still strong. Self-publishing can be a stepping stone to traditional publishing to prove your concept, grow your audience, and show a traditional publisher that your proposition is attractive.
  • Writing a book is a meaty project and takes time, effort and energy. But it is a worthwhile effort and can be one of the most rewarding things you do in your career.

Tune in to hear Kris go deeper into these subjects and more.

You can connect with Kris via:



IG: @krisemeryeditorial

FB: krisemeryeditorial

@businesswithflow on Instagram

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Hey, I'm Laura

I'm a cyclical business mentor helping purpose driven, high achievers to ditch the hustle and run their businesses and launches with intention, and in alignment with their cycles.

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