Episode 104 - Automating tasks in your business, the right way

In this episode we explore the world of AI and how it's changing the game in the online business world.

Key points in this episode:

  • Automation is using an app or tool to complete tasks for you.
  • Start with things that don't need the human touch.
  • You can automate client onboarding, content creation, social media scheduling, and more.
  • Identify what you want to automate and map out your workflow.
  • Choose the right tools and start small.
  • Test it out yourself before putting it out into the world.
  • Automating things in your business saves time and energy, so that you can focus on more important things.

Welcome to episode 104 of the With Flow podcast!

In this episode we talk about something that can save you so much time and energy in your business: automation.

So, what is automation? It's simply using an app or tool to complete a series of steps for you, so that you're not doing it manually. For example, tools like Acuity or Calendly can automate client bookings and handle confirmation emails and reminders for you.

Byt, not everything in your business should be automated. I suggest starting with things that don't need the human touch, like repetitive tasks or things that you're doing over and over again. The goal is to free up your time and energy for the things that actually require your time and attention.

You can automate a lot of things in your business, like client onboarding, content creation, social media scheduling, and more. And there are so many different tools out there that can help you automate these tasks. Tools like Zapier or Pabbly Connect can move data from one app to another, and tools like Client Joy or HoneyBook can automate client workflow, such as sending out client agreements and invoices.

To get started with automation, identify what you want to automate and map out your workflow to understand how all the pieces fit together.

Choose the right tools for the specific tasks and start small. Test it out yourself before putting it out into the world, and refine and improve as you go.

Automating things in your business is one of the easiest ways to save yourself time and energy. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

If you're craving a more sustainable business, with more balance between structure and flow, I invite you to check out my 1:1 mentoring program.

This 6 month program supports you in the three key pillars of strategy and planning, systems and tech, and cyclical energy, so you can create a business free from hustle and burnout.

sustainable anti-hustle business mentoring
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Photo of Laura - CEO of Business with Flow

Hey, I'm Laura

I'm a cyclical business mentor helping purpose driven, high achievers to ditch the hustle and run their businesses and launches with intention, and in alignment with their cycles.

Come hang out with me 👇

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