Episode 88 - Cycle Alignment + Creating New Offers and programs

Sometimes new offers drop in with all the clarity we need to take action and make it happen.

More often than not though, we need time to mull things over, get more clarity, work out how all the pieces fit together. In these situations, our cycles and hormones can be helpful in working it all out, and getting the new offer out into the world.

Key points in this episode:

  • Your luteal phase is a great time to review current offers, what is working, and what isn't
  • Your menstrual phase is a phase for connecting with your big vision and how this new offer aligns with that
  • Your follicular phase is supportive of figuring out all the details, and beginning to create the offer
  • And ovulation is a great phase for getting out there and selling!

Curious about syncing your business with your cycle?

Learn how to run your business in alignment with the ebbs and flows of your menstrual or moon cycle in Cycle Savvy CEO.

Use the coupon code PODCAST for $10 off.

Cycle Aligned Business
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Photo of Laura - CEO of Business with Flow

Hey, I'm Laura

I'm a cyclical business mentor helping purpose driven, high achievers to ditch the hustle and run their businesses and launches with intention, and in alignment with their cycles.

Come hang out with me 👇

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© 2016 - 2023 Laura Dick | Business with Flow.

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